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19 septembre 2009 6 19 /09 /septembre /2009 01:20
Noticing the fact that APT upgrades were becoming slower for a while, I started to investigate further.

After checking all the configuration files of APT and its logs, it became clear that the problem was not on the hosts that used the APT-proxy running on the server.

It looked like a Dos, or time out, or an APT resource. But it was not.

Unfortunately, the APT-proxy logs are not so verbose, but... considering the fact that a service has a special procedure to be stoped and started, the old reflex to reload the service and its configuration was helpful.

In fact, APT-proxy was just yelling during its start.
Here is what I got:

Starting apt-proxy:/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/twisted/manhole/telnet.py:8: DeprecationWarning: As of Twisted 2.1, twisted.protocols.telnet is deprecated.  See twisted.conch.telnet for the current, supported API.
  from twisted.protocols import telnet
/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/twisted/manhole/telnet.py:8: DeprecationWarning: As of Twisted 2.1, twisted.protocols.telnet is deprecated.  See twisted.conch.telnet for the current, supported API.
  from twisted.protocols import telnet


Thus, it appears that the real problem comes from Python, and more especially from one of its library: twisted.protocols.telnet

Obvisously, it was not possible to uninstall and reinstall Python, because of its numerus dependances.

I tried Google...

The bug was confirmed, but no real solution provided:

The guys over there should also say that Debian stable Lenny is affected to.

Anyway, I dared to look deep into Apt-proxy source code. Guess what, it's written down in python ;)

Here is the solution I found : comment the line
from twisted.manhole.telnet import ShellFactory
at the top of the binary file of APT-proxy (something like /usr/sbin/apt-proxy).

And viola, it works!

I love /etc/init.d/apt-proxy start
Starting apt-proxy:None
I'll keep an eye on it to see what happens during the next upgrade of apt-proxy through... apt :)

Hope this helps.
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